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Time To Go Deeper

Hello again, and Praise The Lord to everyone. I am excited about another opportunity to talk with you about the only thing I really know, and that is Jesus. Today or should I say yesterday, as it is past 12 on Sat. night has been eye opening and so encouraging for me. I dare not keep it to myself because it is important that we share the goodness of Jesus with others. I never want it to seem as if I am bragging or being boastful because I always have a testimony. However, my God is good to me. Isn't he good to you? What I have realized, or should I say realized again tonight and even all week is that God wants to show us, bless us, teach us, help us heal us, encourage us, and protect us, more than we are allowing him to do. He wants us to go DEEPER in him.

Matthew 6 verse 33

But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness ; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Just yesterday I had a conversation with a friend, and brother in Christ that uplifted my spirit. We connected on the phone to do one thing, pray. That was the purpose of our call. Yes we talked of a few other things, music and radio interviews, and even what we wanted to do in the future. However, our purpose was to Pray together. Some amazing things are happening in my life as those who follow me know. For those who are just being introduced to me, I will say the music that God allows me to create is really taking off. On yesterday I learned my music has been played on one show I know of, over 152 times just this month. Lets put it this way, the message of Christ has been delivered over 152 times this month alone, on one show I know of. There are multiple shows playing my music right now AMEN. In my conversation with my brother and friend, he told me Charles some major things are about to happen in your life. God is about to really do some amazing things. Oh God, as I write, things are coming to my remembrance of what has happened just this week which coincide with all of this. The key to it all is GOING DEEPER. That is what he told me, and that is what I want to express to everyone tonight.

As the scripture says, seek ye first the Kingdom of God. This is saying, go deeper in Christ. Go deeper in your walk, go deeper in your prayer life, go deeper in your reading of the word, go deeper in your witness, go deeper in your Kingdom work. How? Well, I desire to be more like Jesus everyday. First being filled with his spirit and then living a Holy life. I can't live or be like him without his spirit. You sometimes hear people say "you getting to deep". There is no such thing when it comes to Christ. We, which means me included need to seek out Christ more. Find out how we can please him, find out what he desires us to do, and how. If we do this he is going to upgrade our life. I had a radio interview last night which allowed me to tell my testimony, share my music, and encourage someone. This is something God has asked me to do, for his glory. Not to promote Charles Fears Jr. God gets the glory. In return he is upgrading my life. I have been offered multiple Jobs just this week, in and outside of my current job. I am receiving great feedback and testimony of how my music is touching souls daily. Also and I think most important to me, I wake up and go to sleep with a peace of mind. In order for us to walk in his blessings, we must go deeper.

So I encourage you and myself, lets go deeper. lets pray longer, read more, witness more, believe more, have more faith. As I close I will share this. I wrote a song this week called Time To Pray or Gotta Pray. I haven't decided the actual title yet, I have to pray about it, lol. God woke me up and the thing that he brought to my mind was, You need to pray. Without knowing it we can become weak if our prayer life is lacking. Maybe I was becoming weak God saw it and the Holy Ghost alerted me. PRAY, and get some strength before you fall. We can get caught up in life, bills, kids, fun, sleep. Oh lord sleep is good. However we forget to seek God in all we do. The amazing thing is if we just seek him, everything will work out. Family do yourself a favor and Go Deeper in Christ. God bless....


I would like everyone to be on the lookout for a brand new website of mine called I am going deeper and doing as much as I can for Christ. Also I most likely will be changing the location of this blog but you will know where to find me for sure.

In addition I am scheduled to begin recording on Thursday of the song I spoke of in this blog Time To Pray Or Gotta Pray. I think Time To Pray should be the title. I wanted to record "I was Told" however that song has to be pushed back just a bit. Please remember to SHARE THIS BLOG and be blessed.

Don't forget to Pick up your copies of the new singles Now On itunes. Click the Link below.......
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