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What is The Purpose Of It All

Welcome again family to my blog. Let me first apologize for not being consistent with my entries, life sometimes shows up and we get distracted and fall short of a few things, however it was brought to my attention that I needed to tighten up on some things that I started.

So tonight is Saturday, a good time for me to sit and reflect on some things, as well as write down and share what God has placed on my heart. I also want to open things up a bit and invite you to share this blog, but also comment and let me know what things may be on your mind. Topics that we can discuss, it can be about music or other things pertaining to life as a Christian etc.

What Is The Purpose Of It All

I have a desire to tell of how good God is to me. I can't speak for you, I can't tell your testimony. Only you can. So I reopen this blog on tonight, and God willing every Saturday night to be able to tell testimony, give encouragement, give information, teach from the Bible, share music, and so many other things. In hopes of giving God the glory, and drawing people closer to Christ. The Bible says compel those to come. That is the Purpose of it all. I am not an English major, nor do I profess to be the best writer. However, I love God, and I want to do what he ask me to do. Sometimes we ask the Lord what is it that you want me to do. We wait for the answer, and it seems as if we never get it. Well, we have to listen family. God may use others to give answers. However if we are so consumed with ourselves, so busy being busy. We just might not hear what God is trying to tell us.

So I close this out tonight with a short testimony. I was talking to a friend of mine this week about my music and some things I could possibly do to be better in my craft. She told me basically I need to do more... Now, I took that advice and begin to do certain things we talked about. However there was a twofold message that was coming at me. God wants me to do more, not just for the music, but just for him. More testimony, more love, more conversation with others about Christ, more blogging, lol more. We can give so much time to things not pertaining to God it is crazy for real. He is a jealous God and he wants more......

Be blessed family, and until next time stay encouraged. Please post a comment, and even give a short testimony, prayer request are welcomed I will write them down and bring them before the church on Sunday. Also, share this blog tell a friend, and tell them to tell a friend. Ask yourself what is the purpose of it all. Of what, your life.......

Also if you haven't gotten your copies of "Forgive Me Lord" & "Long Suffering God" Click the Link and support the music ministry.​

Don't forget to Pick up your copies of the new singles Now On itunes. Click the Link below.......
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