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Tattoos and Christians

Hello everyone, thank you for taking a moment to join me in this first discussion on my new blog, Lets Talk About It. As I stated in my opening blog we are here for discussion not judgment, only God can Judge. Therfore you are encouraged to give your input and as for me I can only start one way, with scripture. So if you get a bit upset or feel some type of way, that is ok. However remember I am coming from the scripture. So, Lets Talk About It...

Leviticus 19:28

“Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.”

1 Corinthians 6:19

“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?”

Ok I have given two scripture here that are saying the same thing. As you can see, one is from the Old Testament one from the new. I did that on purpose because I have heard some say we don't live by the Old Testament we live by the new. Well, I live by the entire bible not just some of it, but that is another topic. Can't wait for that one. I mean these scriptures are pretty self explaning. At times we want to justify or alter the word of God to fit out desires. I mean, we could get deep and see who the Lord was talking to and why. I could break down that in Leviticus the Lord was talking to the Gentiles who marked their body in worship of their idols as well as in mourning. Wow, why do most get tattoos? In rememberance of a love one who they lost. So does this apply to now? Do we need to mark out body to show that we love God? These scriptures also refers to God who will do the writting, in your heart.

Most people do not even know the origin of tatoos. They think it is cool, I like the art work, people notice me, I am being deep, I have hidden messages on my body. Well that is true. However let me show you something else besides the vanity in it all. The tattoo bears the mark of paganism, demonism, Baal worship (we know that is the devil right), shamanism, mysticism, heathenism, cannibalism, and more pagan beliefs. Who do you serve? It's not that deep Charles, your making a big deal out of this. Well my bible tells me you can't serve two master, (Matthew 6:24) as well as God is a Jealous God, (Exdous 34:14) The goal of the devil is to make you think you can live anyway, do things contrary to the word of God, and make heaven. That is a lie. Now if you got a tattoo before you were saved, that means before the spirit of God entered you by way of the Holy Ghost. Then that is understandable. I am speaking to those who know better.

This brings me to my close. One of the mothers of my church said something a few weeks back and I told her I would post it, but I honestly forgot what she said until this topic came to me. We were talking about tattoos and Christians who have them. She said if I had a tattoo and I got saved, I would cover that tattoo (cover as in long sleeves) because it signifies the sinful life I onced lived. I am a new creature so I would be ashamed of the sin I use to do. That really made sense to me. Well it is our job to educate and give insight on the word of God. That is our calling, yours and mine. Please pray for me as I do you, and as I continue with this blog, to help those in need. I am not a English major so forgive me for any mistakes I will do my best. Please remember, this is a place of discussion, not a place to attack me or anyone. Please leave a comment, ask a question, or suggest a topic. May God bless and keep you.

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